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XP Points (up to 2000)

Victory of the Allies

Initially, the United States was hesitant to join in World War 2 even though their Allies--Great Britain and the Soviet Union--were already involved in fighting in Europe.  On a quiet Sunday morning, more than 500 Japanese fighters and bombers attacked the American Naval Base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. In little more than an hour, the surprise attack killed more than two thousand Americans and significantly damaged the American war fleet in the Pacific. President Roosevelt announced that that date, December 7, 1941, was “a date which will live in infamy.” 

Once America joined the war, it truly became a global conflict, with participants from every populated continent. The United States, along with Great Britain, France, and the Soviet Union became known as the Allied Forces, while Germany, Japan, and Italy were the Axis Powers.
America decided first to focus on the threat from Hitler. 1942 marked the turning point in the war. American soldiers and military might of the factory workers joined the effort while Germany was forced to fight enemies on all sides.


By 1945, Germany was in ruin. Allied bombers destroyed cities from the air, while their armies marched across Germany. The nation was completely devastated. When Hitler learned the enemy was within thirty miles of his underground bunker, he shot himself to death. The Nazi terror was over.  But the war in the Pacific continued.

In (Explain Everything (i-Pad), make a T chart listing the Axis Powers (and leaders) on one side and the Allies (and leaders) on the other.  Draw the shape of each country next to its name.

Upload to Edmodo in ANY daily XP tally location

In Edmodo,  answer to this question:  In what other instance was the United States hesitant to get involved in a war?  What did the government do in THAT situation?  Submit your response in ANY daily XP tally location.

Record a radio advertisement on Vocaroo or Voice Recorder (iPads)  convincing American citizens to become involved in the war.  Be sure to mention our Allies and the atrocities (terrible events) taking place in Europe.

Upload to Edmodo in ANY daily XP tally location

Create a 3 panel cartoon in toondoo showing the attack on Pearl Harbor

Upload to Edmodo in ANY daily XP tally location

500 XP

1000 XP

1000 XP

1000 XP

1200 XP

In Edmodo, send me a direct message in the form of a proposal to send to Japan BEFORE they attack Pearl Harbor trying to convince them not to attack.

Quest Title:

Allied Invasion


When completing assignments on Edmodo in the response line, you MUST:

1.  Indicate the title of the quest

2.  Indicate the XP points

3.  Be thorough and demonstrate a COMPLETE understanding of the quest

4. 'Turn In' assignment and not post to the wall.

5.  'Turn In' in the current XP Tally location.

If you do NOT do this, you will NOT receive your XP points.

Quest Title:

Allied Invasion


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