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The Roman Army

The Romans were able to expand their empire because of the strength of the Roman Army . It was the first - full time paid professional army in the world.


A legion=5000 men

1legion= 10 cohort

1 cohort=6 centuries


Each century was divided into 10 groups of 8 men who marched, fought, worked and camped together.


Uniforms and Equipment


The Roman soldiers wore leather sandals on their feet. They also carried a sword (a gladius), a shield, 2 javelins and a dagger for close fighting.


A group of soldiers sometimes joined together by making a tortoise shape  with their shields.



Legionaries were very fit. They trained by running, chopping down trees, and doing obstacle courses. Every month they had to do an 18 mile route march with 60 pounds of equipment and armor and weapons to carry. They also did drill and weapons training.



 Centurions were in charge of discipline. they carried a stick of very hard wood and they used it to beat their soldiers. They used to punish even small things with extra duties, flogging or a fine. the men earned 2 1/2 pence  a day. 




Why do you suppose the Romans used this strategy in battle?

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