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About Elatima

Why is it important to make smart choices in life?
How do we learn to make good decisions?
How can reading shape ideas about decision making?


These are just some of the questions that influence our lives, the lives of characters portrayed in books, stories, poems, plays, videos, animations, and have influenced real events throughout history. When we make decisions, no matter how small, we need to learn how to consider all the options we have and all the perspectives of those around us.


This "game" will take you through a story that is made up Quests. Your character will work through different tasks in order to complete each Quest and move toward the end of the game.

As you make your way through the levels and quests of this game, you will learn to use information from many different sources, gain skills to successfully communicate what you've learned, and be required to present them in different ways and to different audiences.  Each of the Quests will require you to follow directions, participate in discussions, and complete tasks that demonstrate your mastery of various skills and concepts (based on the Common Core  Standards related to reading, informational text, writing, speaking & listening, language, media, and technology).


At times you will have opportunities to work with others to collaborate on tasks presented to you, but many times you will have to use the skills you've learned along the way to complete tasks all on your own. Some of the tasks will require you to complete them using available techology, while others will require you to complete them using resources provided to you in classroom lessons and Work Stations.

Just as in life, you will be faced with challenges and you will learn to use the resources available to you to successfully complete them.  Some will be more challenging than others.  The 'RULES ' section will explain the primary expectations of the "game" as well as how you will be assessed and rewarded for your progress (grades). 

Copyright 2012   Mrshoward118

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